当前位置:首页 > 练习和试卷 > 小学 > 英语 > 2020学年第二学期四年级英语试卷
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题项 听力 词汇 句型 阅读 写作 书写规范
Part One: Listening听力部分
Ⅰ. Listen and choose (选出你听到的内容) 
()1. A.wake         B. make        C. walk
()2. A. thirty        B. thirsty        C. thirteen
()3. A. string        B. strong        C. stick
()4. A. Friday       B. Thursday       C. Tuesday
()5. A. ride         B. write          C. right
()6. A. too          B. two            C. to
()7. A. 6:15        B. 6:45           C. 5:45
()8. A. in the music room       B. in the room        C. in the hall
Ⅱ. Listen and choose  (选出听到的句子)  
()1. A. It’s the fourth of May.      
B. It’s the fifth of May.      
C. It’s the fifteenth of May.
()2. A. Wednesday is in the middle of the week.      
B. Sunday is the first day of the week.      
C. Friday is the sixth day of the week..
()3. A. It’s the fourth of May.      
B. It’s the fifth of May.      
C. It’s the fifteenth of May.
()4. A. Are you singing or dancing?  We are dancing.      
B. Are you singing or dancing?  Yes, we are.     
C.Are you singing or drawing?  We are drawing.
()5. A. The bell rings, but the old man can not hear it.      
B.The bell rings, and the old man hear it.      
C. The bell rings, but the old woman can not hear it.
Ⅲ. Listen and choose (听音,选择正确的应答句)  
()1. A. Yes, it is.        B. Yes, it does.             C. Yes, it has.
()2. A. I’m sorry.        B. We are sorry.            C. That’s OK.
()3. A. It’s Sunday.       B. It’s the first of May.      C. It’s sunny.
()4. A. In the bedroom.    B. In the kitchen.          C. In the music room.
()5. A. Yes, they are.      B. Yes, there are.          C. Yes, he is.
()6. A. In the morning.    B. At half past five.        C. It’s five o’clock.
Ⅳ.Listen and complete (听音,完成句子)   
1. Peter goes home at _________ thirty on Friday afternoon.
2. It’s eight o’clock. We are ___________ an English class.
3. Tick- tock! Tick- tock! Says my _________ clock.
4. I usually play ___________ with my father at weekends.
5. It’s a quarter ____________ twelve in the afternoon.
6. ______________ go near that yellow bear. It’s strong.


2021-03-26 08:28
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